Procurement - Cyberview


Opportunities are a plenty here in the Global Tech Hub. Join us as we lay the grounds for our development today and into the future.

Tender Listing

No Ref Title Issued Date Closing Date Download
Major Electrical Coplace 11 Land Platforming
4 Sept 2024
30 Sept 2024 (27 Sept 2024 for Information)
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender - IT Leasing & Dark Fibre
6 June 2024
1 July 2024 (18 June 2024 for Information)
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
c) RFI
Notice of Tender - Proposed Commercial Development on Plots L32, L33, L34 & L35
10 May 2024
21 May 2024
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
c) RFI
d) Form
Notice of Tender - Roof Waterproofing & Restoration Works for CoPlace 10, CoPlace 12 & CoPlace 13
6 February 2024
28 Febuary 2024
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender - Non-Comprehensive Facility Management and Maintenance, Cleaning and Housekeeping, Landscape Maintenance, Security & Non-Comprehensive Fire Protection Maintenance Services for Cyberview’s Building for Cyberview Sdn Bhd
16 January 2024
16 Febuary 2024
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender - Consultant to advise on the Potential Venture into Renewable Energy Power Distribution in Cyberjaya & Strategic Consultant to Conduct Market Research and Prepare Design for the Proposed Development of Petrol Station and Electric Vehicle Charger on Plot L75, Cyberjaya.
16 January 2024
5 Febuary 2024
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Cyberview Building Rejuvenation
13 October 2023
7 November 2023
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Proposed New Car Park Equipment System at Century Square, Cyberjaya Selangor Darul Ehsan
15 September 2023
9 October 2023
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Energy Monitoring System & Event Organiser
22 June 2023
17 July 2023
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Mobile Application Developer for the Development of Cyberjaya City App
28 April 2023
23 May 2023
12 noon
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Proposed Retrofitting and Upgrading the Building Automation System at CoPlace 3A, CoPlace 6 and Cyberview 23, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
10 April 2023
3 May 2023
12 noon
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Softscape Works At Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
22 March 2023
17 April 2023
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Programme Manager For Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator Programme
4 January 2023
30 January 2023
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Request for Proposal- Land for Outright Sale/ Joint Venture South Innovation District, Cyberjaya Malaysia
3 December 2022
10 March 2023 (5pm)
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Proposed Rectification Works for the Existing Street Lighting, Feeder Pillar, Road Pavement and Road Kerb at Persiaran Rimba Permai, Jalan Kreatif and Jalan Aspirasi, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
11 October 2022
3 November 2022 (12 noon)
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Broker to provide Takaful Coverage for Directors & Officers’ Liability Insurance (“D&O”) and Employee Benefit Insurance (“EBI”) Scheme for Cyberview Sdn Bhd and its Subsidiaries.
11 October 2022
3 November 2022 (12 noon)
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Notice of Tender – Operator for Operation and Management of Sport Arena, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
10 September 2022
23 September 2022
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Pre-Qualification Notice – Panel of Land Surveyors for Land Works & Related Services for Cyberview Lands and Investment Properties
19 August 2022
12 September 2022
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
b) RFI
Design, Installation, Equipping and Maintenance Including Handing Over to Authority for Upgrading of Existing Sewage Pump Station No.5 ("PSS") Pumping Capacity from 15,000PE to 47,245PE at Persiaran APEC, Cyber 4, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
28 July 2022
19 August 2022
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Fiber Optic Infrastructure for CoPlace 1 and CoPlace 2, Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
28 July 2022
19 August 2022
Tender notice
a) English
b) BM

Process and Procedures

procurement 02

1. Notice of Tender/Quotation
Generally, all open tenders will be advertised in selected national newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia, The New Straits Times and The Star; or on CYBERVIEW website.

2. Sales and submission of Tender / Quotation
The sale of all tender/quotation documents shall be conducted during CYBERVIEW’s office hours throughout the duration of the floatation. The chargeable fee, if any, shall be stated on the tender document or advertisement notice.

Tender/Quotation has to be submitted to the address specified in the tender/quotation notice.

3. Bid currencies
Generally, all bids for local tenders shall be in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). Bids for international tender shall be in RM, or in the currency of the country where the finished products or services are imported from, or in any other currency deemed appropriate by CYBERVIEW. Tenderers shall state clearly in their tender submission the currencies for their bids.

4. Rejection of Tender / Quotation
A tender/quotation shall be rejected at the tender opening stage when:

  • The tender is submitted after the specified date and time of closing, or submitted to a wrong address
  • The Tender Bond, where applicable, is not attached.
  • The Letter of Tender/ Agreement (for FIDIC contract) is not duly filled in
  • The tender is not submitted using the original tender documents
  • Noncompliance to any instruction in Instruction to Tenderer (ITT) or CYBERVIEW’s requirements

5. Withdrawal of Tender /Quotation
Tenderers who withdraw within the tender validity period after the tenders have been opened may be subjected to penalties as specified in the tender documents such as blacklisted from participating in CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises for a period of six (6) months to two (2) years.

6. Clarification of Tender / Quotation
Clarification shall be confined only to the technical proposal submitted in the tender bid. Depending on the tender requirements, tenderers may submit a new financial proposal which should only contain the revision(s) based on the requirements in respect to the clarification of the technical proposal. No technical and financial negotiations are allowed during clarification.

7. Notification of Award
The successful tenderer shall be officially notified of the award through a duly executed Letter of Acceptance, Purchase Order (PO) or a contract, clearly defining the scope, terms and conditions.

1. Currencies
All payment for local contracts shall be in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). Payment for international contracts shall be in RM, or in the currency of the country where the finished products or services are imported from, or in any other currency deemed appropriate by CYBERVIEW. Tenderers shall state clearly in their tender submission the currencies for their payments.

2. Terms
Payment shall be done upon complete acceptance of the goods, works or services, and made in accordance with the payment terms specified in PO/contract including contract condition or CYBERVIEW Standard General Condition of Contract.

Tender/Quotation has to be submitted to the address specified in the tender/quotation notice.

3. Process
Unless otherwise specified in the PO/contract, generally payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of original and final invoice accepted by CYBERVIEW.
In cases where Certified True Copy invoice is required, contractor/supplier shall specify the following details on the invoice:

  • Full Name and I/C No.
  • Designation
  • Official Company Stamp
  • Acknowledgement on non-receivable of payment for the same supply, works or services completed

4. Retention
Where applicable and stated in CYBERVIEW’s contract, the percentage of retention sum shall be 10% of the contract value. The retention sum amount of 5% of the contract value shall be paid to the contractor after the issuance of Taking Over Certification. The remainder 5% shall be paid after the expiry date of Defects Notification Period or after the remedying notified defects whichever is later.

1. Delivery Order
All delivery orders (D.O.) accompanying goods must state clearly the following:

  • Supplier/contractor’s name
  • CYBERVIEW purchase order and line number (i.e according to ERMS system)
  • Catalogue number
  • Description of material
  • ?Location for delivery
  • Unit of measure (e.g meters, sets, nos., kilograms etc)
  • Quantity
  • Number of drum (relevant to cables)
  • Serial number (relevant to transformers, switchgear, feeder pillars etc) The relevant Factory Acceptance Report(s) should also be attached to the D.O.

2. Conditions for Acceptance

  • Quantity & description of material must match contents stated in Delivery Order
  • Materials should be labeled with:
  • Brand name, model number, rating, size etc.
  • CYBERVIEW catalogue number and CYBERVIEW contract number
  • Expiry date of product (e.g. resin for pre-molded joint)
  • Items stored indoors – should be suitably packaged for storage on pallets & all boxes should be printed with description of contents
  • Items stored outdoors – should be weather proof and labeled/marked suitably

3. Authorised Visitors and Delivery Personnel
Visitors and Delivery Personnel must have visitor badges if they are to enter any of CYBERVIEW’s buildings or facilities beyond the receiving areas or lobbies.

4. Delivery Responsibility & Cost
Packaging and delivery costs are included in the purchase price unless otherwise specified on the Purchase Order. The responsibility for goods in transit rest with the supplier/contractors unless CYBERVIEW agrees to other conditions in the Purchase Order.

1. Objective
The objectives of supplier/contractor evaluation are:

  • To help CYBERVIEW in identifying competent and good performing suppliers based on suppliers category
  • To provide important information on suppliers performance in previous contracts during tender evaluation

2. Evaluation criteria
Suppliers/ contractors will be evaluated based on approved criteria as follows:-

  • Price of material, works or services
  • Quality of material, works or services
  • Delivery time of material, works or services
  • After sales service/ technical support

Policies and

Rules and regulations have been established for guidance and compliance by all suppliers/contractors. Penalties established for violations of the said rules and regulations are not meant to be punitive but corrective.

CYBERVIEW shall take the appropriate measures against all erring suppliers in order to keep the integrity of its purchasing system and to maintain a pool of competent suppliers/contractors.

procurement 01

Suppliers/ contractors shall be subjected to penalties for any refusal to accept the Letter of Intent/ Letter of Acceptance/ Purchase Order within the validity period. However, penalty shall not be imposed if:

  • CYBERVIEW’s offer is different from the original specification stated in the tender/ quotation.
  • CYBERVIEW’s offer is different from the tenderer’s proposal The penalties are as follows:

    1. The Tender Bond, if applicable, is forfeited.
    2. First offence – final warning or blacklisted from participating in CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises for a minimum period of six (6) months and maximum period of one (1) year.
    3. Second offence – blacklisted for a minimum period of one (1) year and maximum period of two (2) years.
    4. For the third offence, suppliers will be de-registered and barred from participating in any of CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises.
Action for non-performance shall be taken according to the agreed terms and conditions of the contract. Besides Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (LAD) or contract termination, non-performing contractors shall be subjected to further penalties as follows: Non-performing contractors shall be subjected to further penalties as follows:
  • Blacklisted from participating in CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises for a period of one (1) year to three (3) years.
  • For the second offence, de-registered and barred from participating in any of CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises.
  • For companies that have been de-registered, the directors and the majority shareholders shall also be blacklisted to ensure that they do not form another company to participate in CYBERVIEW’s future procurement exercises. Penalties for each offense (which may range from reprimand to de-listing) are not absolute and may vary depending on the gravity and frequency of the offense and are subject to the discretion of the CYBERVIEW.
  • We believe that all supplier relationships should be based on principles of good governance such as integrity, accountability, fairness and no tolerance rule towards bribery and corruption.

    These principles are given force in a detailed Procurement Code Of Conduct (Code) which is constantly revised to capture changes in law, reputation demands and changes in the business.

Suppliers/contractors who have committed a breach of the Code shall be subjected to the following action:

  • Penalties or any contractual or legal remedies under the law.
  • Immediate termination of contract.
  • Disclosure of nature of breach to CYBERVIEW.
  • Blacklisted by CYBERVIEW and shall be precluded from tendering for any work in the supply chain for the specified period. The directors of the Company may also be blacklisted.

Other than being subjected to carry out works properly and in accordance with the contract, all CYBERVIEW suppliers / contractors are obligated to adhere to principles and policies prescribed in the CYBERVIEW Procurement Code of Conduct. In fulfilling these responsibilities, suppliers, their employees and representatives must:

  • Read, understand and internalize the Code.
  • Comply with the Code.
  • Report possible violations of the Code by informing Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW.
  • Cooperate fully in any investigation or audit by Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW with regards to compliance to this Code.
  • Maintain all accurate and complete documentations to support compliance.
  • Provide Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW with complete and unrestricted access to relevant records, upon CYBERVIEW’s request.
  • Allow Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW to conduct confidential interviews with their management, directors and employees individually.
  • Allow Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW to conduct site visits to the suppliers’ locations in any manner.
  • Respond promptly to inquiries from Authorized Representatives of CYBERVIEW regarding implementation of the Code.

CYBERVIEW supplier may be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) depending on the level of information disclosed during the course of business. CYBERVIEW has a non-disclosure agreement form, and it is our policy to use our form.

Information provided to suppliers such as drawings, specifications, procedures, schedules, or forecasts may be considered proprietary and confidential to CYBERVIEW.

As such, supplier shall not use, transmit or disclose this information to any third party except in accordance with the terms of the non-disclosure agreement.

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